The Common Causes of Restaurant Fires and Related Mishaps

We all love to eat. But the method of cooking can produce a tremendous amount of grease to build up in kitchen exhaust systems in restaurants. Unfortunately, if exhaust systems are not cleaned properly, this buildup often leads to serious fire hazards. Any restaurant or food establishment worries about restaurant fires as it not only is a threat to the staff working there but also to the life of guests visiting there. Restaurants and food establishments may vary by the variety of delicacies they prepare and serve their customers, but all restaurants hold similar fire risks when engaging in cooking activities, irrespective of the type. The cook line (row of appliances for hot food preparation in a restaurant), hood filters, rooftop exhaust fan, and ducting in between are deemed potential fire risks for commercial kitchens. As per the NFPA’s current study of fires in eating & drinking establishments, cooking equipment is one of the chief causes of restaurant fires . Besi...